
Alien hominid gba change controls
Alien hominid gba change controls

Easy-Mode Mockery: You get 99 continues on thumbsucker mode, but you cannot go past either level 1-3 or 1-5, depending on the console version you have, until you choose a harder difficulty.Drop-In-Drop-Out Multiplayer: A second player can join in and out at any time.Dramatic Spotlight: Alien Hominid is sitting alone under a spotlight in the game's Game Over screen.The Dog Bites Back: As revenge for being bullied by the FBI, the Fat Kids decide to give Alien Hominid powerups.The Photon Burst also makes enemies puff into smoke while the Acid Blast guess. Disintegrator Ray: The Megu Cannon powerup basically turns the normal shots into a mini sun, leaving only skulls behind for any mooks caught in it.Worth noting that they tried to blow up the United States with a missile before the Alien accidentally flew into it. Dirty Communists: The main enemy in stages 2-1 to 2-6 are antagonistic Soviet soldiers.The closest you'll get is the Spread Shot powerup. Aliens can shoot up, down and in front of them while running, but not shoot diagonally.

Alien hominid gba change controls install#

  • Defeat Means Friendship: The FBI's Install Ball at the end of 3-4.
  • Damage-Sponge Boss: Almost every boss in the game just needs to be shot at until its health reaches zero, though most of them require you to keep hitting them in certain areas for more challenge.
  • The KGB also have a cyclops of their own, that looks a lot like the first boss.
  • Near the end of the game that robot's eye comes back in a much bigger body for a tougher fight.
  • Cyber Cyclops: A one-eyed robot is the boss at the end of the first level.
  • Cruelty Is the Only Option: You can't progress past the end of 3-1 until you shoot the friendly grey alien.
  • Color-Coded Elements: Orange for the Fire Shot, Blue for the Ice Ray, and (if you want to count it as an elmental) green for the Acid Blast.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Black/gray for the FBI agents, red for the KGB soldiers, and green for the Area 51 guards.
  • Charged Attack: The Hominid's gun can charge for a stronger blast by holding the shoot button, which is available from the get-go.
  • (a character from a NSFW Newgrounds animation) can be seen in a holding cell in the Area 51 base.
  • The Cameo: Tricky the Clown note NOT the one from Madness Combat.
  • Car Fu: Level 2-1 takes place on a highway where the aliens can steal moving cars that they are standing on and ram them into even more cars.
  • Boss-Only Level: 3-5 the game's final level.
  • Since he covers the hydrant frequently, one has to wonder what's stopping him from covering his one weakness all the time.

    alien hominid gba change controls

    Boss Arena Idiocy: Shooting at the fire hydrant directly underneath Baron Butterscotch is the only way to damage him during the boss fight.In the GBA version however, only the first phase is retained, and it now ends with his head exploding and alien viscera spraying all over the place.

    alien hominid gba change controls

    In the other versions, there are two phases to the fight, and the second ends with him falling off a UFO and presumably dying a Disney Villain Death. Bloodier and Gorier: The GBA version, of all things, applies this trope to the final boss's death.Freeing him will make him give the alien a ride on his head while the player controls the yeti through a portion of the level, all while crushing sniper outposts and eating mooks. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: The giant yeti in level 2-2.And being a run n' gun game, the player can do this themselves normally with their regular gun, depending on how many times they want to press the "shoot" button in a row. Beam Spam: The Photon Burst powerup can shoot many short energy bursts in one shot.Bad Boss: Boris throws his own minion at the alien when the two run out of barrels to throw, leaving him a red puddle.Background Boss: The second-to-last boss sits in the background the entire time.Auto-Scrolling Level: Most of level 2-4 scrolls horizontally and a portion of level 2-5 scrolls vertically.Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: One of the bosses is a giant blob of radioactive pudding.Though the first two take place in the desert outside. Area 51: The setting for levels 3-1 to the end.Arc Villain: Boris, and the KGB in general, are the main antagonists throughout most of the game's second setting in Russia (mainly 2-1 through 2-5).And Your Reward Is Clothes: A wide variety of hats, wigs and headwear is unlockable.Ambidextrous Sprite: The Hominid will hold its gun with its left or right hand depending on which way it faces.

    alien hominid gba change controls

    Aliens Are Bastards: Subverted, the title character is only slaughtering the FBI Agents because they're trying to kill him.

    alien hominid gba change controls

  • Alien Blood: The titular character bleeds green.

  • Alien hominid gba change controls